EUROmodul flat pack kontejneri

Flat pack containers are a great solution for installation in remote locations. Using flat-pack containers drastically cuts costs of transportation. Compared to standard (assembled) containers, one truck can take up t0 8 flat pack units, compared to two units of standard containers. Additional assembly on location is around 45 minutes per container (with two persons).

EUROmodul  makes sure to provide necessary assembly instructions and support to clients.

FLAT PACK containers are usually used as offices on construction sites on large projects, such as oil fields. Aside from offices, flat-pack containers are suitable for worker’s acoomodation (dormitories, canteens, sanitary units).

Individual modules to modular container complex 

Containers in flat pack arrive on location as individual modules with most of the equipment already built in (doors, windows, electricity). With simple assembly on site, together the modules create whole buildings and complexes. Flat pack containers can also be individually designed to accomodate special requirements, for example 3 floor levels etc.

Assembly / installation on site

Assembly on location can be carried out with a crane or just using forklifts. Take a look at a video on EUROmodul flat-pack assembly:

Packet dimensions: LxWxH  6058 x 2438 x 650 mm or 6058 x 2438 x 700 mm, depending on the insulation thickness.


Related references

Container complex – ski resort in Russia